Windows Phone Setup & Configuration

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Estimated reading time: 1 min
  1. On the Start screen, swipe left, and then tap Settings.
  2. Tap email + accounts.
  3. Tap add an account, and then tap Outlook.

    Some phones may have Exchange or Office 365 options instead of Outlook.

  4. Enter your email address and password, and then tap Sign in.

    Windows Phone tries to set up your email account automatically. If it’s successful, skip to step 8.

  5. If you see the message, We couldn’t find your settings, tap Advanced, and then enter the following information:
    What to do…
    E-mail address Enter the full email address for your account.
    Password Enter the password for your account.
    User name Enter the full email address for your account, again.
    Domain Enter only what follows the @ symbol, in your email address. For example,
    Server Enter
  6. Select Server requires encrypted (SSL).
  7. Tap Sign in.
  8. Tap OK if Exchange ActiveSync asks you to enforce policies or set a password.

Pretty easy, right? Tap Mail Windows phone mail icon, and you should see your messages there. To make sure you can send messages, compose an email and send it to yourself.

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